RFM Connect
Inspiration for all. Tune in as Pastor Rema Spencer shares God's heart from the Holy Scriptures. As you listen to these Anointed messages, may you experience the urgency of the Holy Spirit to be a witness of Love and Truth in these final days! "It is time to awaken! For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed" (Rom 13:11).
Learn more about RFM Connect at www.royalfamilyministries.com.
RFM Connect
Hannah, the Lord is Faithful!
An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - On this Mothers Day, Pastor Spencer shares from the story of Hannah, a woman who was misunderstood in her time of grief. Like many, she was initially judged as she poured out her heart to God. Yet, God did not put her to shame, but gave her the desire of her heart when she promised to honor God with the blessing. She kept her vow and Samuel grew up to be a great leader consecrated to God. What is it you have been crying out to God for? The Lord is Faithful. Don't give up! Wait on the Lord and keep seeking! Those who seek, find!
Ref: (1 Samuel 1:1-14)